THORNSOFT Development Inc. (formerly Thornton Software
Solutions) has been developing and supporting software
for Microsoft Windows since 1991 through Shareware, OEM,
and Retail channels.
We let you try our product free for 30 days. After the trial is over, we hope you'll purchase a license for continued use, and tell all of your friends. There's nothing hidden here. No spyware is installed, and there are no unwanted toolbars or add-ons. There isn't anyone paying us on the side to distribute their toolbar, or access our customer list. Our files have been checked for viruses before uploading, and are "signed" so that you'll know they're safe from tampering.
We're A Proud Member Of The
Since 1992!
Our new Thornsoft logo represents 3 "thorns" revolving around a CD (representing Software. Thorn + Soft = Thornsoft! It is NOT a Klingon lawnmower blade, although we did use the term lawnmower and maybe "weed whacker" during our discussions with the logo design company. Which, by the way was Gitano Software's 1st Logo Designs, which we highly recommend.